Welcome to Mike & Andy's Clover Honey

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All natural, white clover honey straight from the bee hives. Never heated or diluted.

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Raw, unpasteurized honey contains natural vitamins and minerals. Vitamins present in honey include B6, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and certain amino acids.

Close the deal


Our honey is collected straight from the honey extractor. An alkaline- forming food, this type of honey contains ingredients found in fruits, which become alkaline in the digestive system.


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Mike & Andy's Clover Honey


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Site Content


Detail your services

We offer what everyone says is the very best honey they have ever had. More often than not, the comment is 'Wow, this reminds me of when I was growing up on the farm. We had bee hives and  always enjoyed fresh honey.

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Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.

Display real testimonials

So many people in this part of the state are troubled by allergies. Local honey helps to keep allergies under control.

Promote current deals

Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.

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Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.

Display their FAQs

Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.

Site Content

Detail your services


If customers can’t find it, it doesn’t exist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.

Announce coming events


Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.

Display real testimonials


Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.

Promote current deals


Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.

Share the big news


Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.

Display their FAQs


Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.